Betty Lou

Betty Lou is a 1979 Tartan 37, hull 118. She is fin keeled with a skeg-hung rudder. Owners: Jay & Muki Kerr

Betty Lou motoring Multnomah Channel after the 2018 New Years Cruise.

Evermoore to Hawaii

October 2018

Rhys Balmer & Martin Gibson
S/V Evermoore

Rhys and Martin are those rare few who challenge themselves to accomplish something amazing. In 2017 they prepared and sailed a Moore 24’ Sailboat in the Pacific Cup Race from San Francisco to Hawaii. 2000 non-stop miles, double-handed, crossing the Pacific Ocean in a 24’ sailboat.

Come and hear their amazing story of preparing and sailing Evermoore to Hawaii. From fundraising, to hull reinforcement, they did it all! This is be a truly inspiring talk that will remind us all, we can do it too! Hope to see you at our October 5th Membership Meeting!